Booking Terms


  • You can make a provisional booking using our booking system.
  • Our booking system currently does not require payment to book.
  • The booking system will send you an confirmation that your PROVISIONAL booking has been made.
  • Bookings are only confirmed when YOUR CHOSEN BARBER phones you to confirm your booking.
  • Your chosen barber will call you usually within 48-72 hours to confirm the booking.
  • If you do not receive a call, then your booking IS NOT CONFIRMED.
  • In the event of a NON-CONFIRMED BOOKING please call the shop in working hours to clarify 0117 9429322.
  • Booking times for each service are displayed, if customers are more than 5 minutes late for their appointment it will automatically be cancelled and rebooking will be required.


  • If you wish to cancel your appointment, please reply to the booking email sent to you, confirming you would like to cancel. That email will have all the details so we can release the booking appointment date so another customer can book.